
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in food, travel, and art. I hope you enjoy your visit!

10 Packing Tips for Women

10 Packing Tips for Women

1)   3 pairs of shoes-

There is a reason for this! I have experienced bringing only 2 pairs of shoes, one comfy pair that was also waterproof, and one fancy pair. The problem with this is that any pair of shoes that feels comfortable walking around for a day or two, will never feel comfortable by day three. There will always be some weird spot on your foot that starts to rub, apply pressure, create a blister, etc. My solution to this is to bring 3 pairs of comfortable shoes, and make sure 1 pair is super comfy (like nice sneakers), 1 pair is waterproof for practical reasons, and 1 pair is fancy (I love flat boots or flat sandals). Bonus tip: If you are very germ conscious bring a pair of flip flops for the hotel room and shower.

2)   Crossbody bag-

This tip is soooo important. Never, ever, bring a shoulder bag traveling. Ever. It’s just asking someone to snatch it off your shoulder. A crossbody bag makes it inconvenient for someone to yank it off your shoulder. Making sure the bag is waterproof is a good idea too, not just for rain, but for spills, or general yuckiness when traveling. Waterprooof materials are generally very easy to wipe off and clean at the end of an adventurous day. Probably the thing that has saved my wallet the most is having LITTLE CLIPS ATTACHED TO THE ZIPPER PULLS on my bag. It might seem trivial, but these little clips prevent a would-be pickpocket from quickly unzipping your bag and making off with all your money. The clips on my bag did not come with it; I simply purchased the clips from a hardware store.

3)   All black clothing + packable coat/jacket-

When I travel I bring only black clothes. Black pants, black leggings, black skirts, black shirts, black sweaters, black dresses, black overcoat, and black shoes. This serves 3 practical purposes: 1) It makes creating outfits a breeze. 2) Black is a color that generally does not draw attention in a crowd. You don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb in your bright flamingo pink dress that screams “follow me and rob me” when you are traveling in a new country. 3) Black does not show dirt or sweat. If you’re traveling you are bound to get a bit dusty and dirty. This is part of the adventure, but you don’t want to look dirty only moments after stepping out the door. If you traveling somewhere hot, choosing lightweight fabrics in black will keep you cool and hide sweat. This might seem contradictory from what we’ve all been taught about wearing light colored fabrics when it’s hot, but if you’ve traveled to the Middle East you will notice that women often wear lightweight fabrics in black. Speaking of lightweight, no matter what the weather (even cold weather) pack light, thinner fabrics that can be layered instead of chunky, heavy fabrics. Thick fabrics will weigh down your luggage and take up way too much space. For a cold weather trip I like to bring several very thin long sleeved shirts or dresses, one super warm sweater, and a packable coat. Packable coats are AMAZING these days at being lightweight yet super warm (not to mention stylish). I love the gasps of amazement I get when I walk into a restaurant or museum when I squish my full-length coat into a tiny pouch, and slip it into my purse.

4)   First aid kit with every medicine you could need-

Always check the laws of the country you are traveling to first, but in general, most over the counter medicines are fine to bring on your trip as long as you keep it in it’s original container with labeling. I strongly advise that you bring your favorite vitamins, pain relievers, anti-nausea, anti-diarrhea, anti-gas, and seasonal allergy medications on your trip. The reason for this is if you by chance aren’t feeling well, you don’t want to run into a situation where you can’t read the ingredients for a foreign medication at a drug store. Just play it safe and bring a ziplock bag with over the counter medications from home. Also be sure to pack alcohol wipes, bandaids, and blister pads.

5)   Nail kit, and a sewing kit-

Nothing is more annoying than having a hang nail and nothing to trim it off with. Do yourself a favor and bring some nail clippers, cuticle nippers, and an emory board. If you can sew, packing a mini sewing kit with needle, thread, and thimble can prevent a wardrobe malfunction.

6)   Medical gloves, antibacterial wipes, and hand sanitizer-

Bringing all this may sound like overkill, but trust me, it’s not. Short storytime: Once upon a time, on a trip to South Korea, my husband made fun of me for bringing gloves, anti-bacterial wipes, and several bottles of hand sanitizer. He stopped making fun of me, however, when a bird pooped ALL OVER HIS BACKPACK. My little germ fighting kit came in handy, and I quickly cleaned up a yucky and potentially disease ridden situation. And then we all lived happily ever after. The end.

7)   Scented trash bags, ziplock bags, and dryer sheets-

These take up practically no space and are absolutely worth bringing. The scented trash bags are a lifesaver when you have to repack dirty, smelly clothes. The ziplock bags are essential because inevitably the used ziplock bags you packed your shampoo in are probably covered in said shampoo because the bottle exploded. The dryer sheets are fantastic freshen up clothing, stick in shoes to de-funkify, and even get rid of static cling on dresses and your hair (just wipe on and static is gone!).

8)   Drugstore dupes of your favorite makeup-

Every country has different rules on how many liquids you can bring in your carry on. I hate being held up in the security line, and I also don’t want to risk my nice (and expensive) makeup being discarded by security or possibly even broken in transit. Finding drugstore makeup that is practically a duplicate of your favorite products allows you to look great in your travel pictures, and if they do happen to get broken or thrown away, you won’t shed a tear over it.

9)   Costume jewelry or none at all-

Do not, I repeat, do not, bring anything expensive while traveling. It’s just not worth the sorrow of accidentally losing your favorite necklace in a place that you can’t search for it again. Not to mention tempting thieves with your diamond earrings. I actually know someone that had a diamond stud ripped out of their ear by a thief. Ouch! It’s just not worth the hassle. If you do want to wear jewelry, wear the costume kind, or simply go without.

10)  Wine opener, scissors, and travel umbrella-

Drinking good wine is a priority in my life. I have personally experienced the excitement of purchasing a great bottle, with the intention of sharing with my hubby back at the hotel, and then the utter disappointment of not having a corkscrew to open it with. Once, while in Argentina, we went on a search for a wine opener and all we could find was a crappy, brittle, sorry excuse for a corkscrew that actually broke off in the cork. No wine for us! Limit your frustration and bring a nice one from home. Also, while traveling you’ll inevitably purchase something that needs to be cut open. At the exact moment you realize you need scissors, an image will appear in your mind of the exact drawer in your kitchen at home where you keep them. Again, limit your frustration and bring along a nice pair of scissors. Finally, for the love of all things holy, bring a tiny travel umbrella, because DUH!

Happy Travels!


Pictured: Me at Hampton Court Palace

Picture credit: Jade Martin




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Slow Cooker Lemon Pepper Shredded Chicken

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