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I'm Back! + A Review: Miraval Rosé

I'm Back! + A Review: Miraval Rosé

Before I begin this post, I’d like to explain my several month absence to my dear readers (waves “Hi” enthusiastically) because there are more of you than I thought! First, the holidays happened. C and I had our first Thanksgiving completely alone. This was sad because we missed our families, but was also kind of fun because that meant we got to eat Thanksgiving dinner in bed while watching Netflix… this was as gluttonously and joyously delightful as it sounds. Then we went to Scotland and WE ATE HAGGIS AND IT WAS AMAZING AND NOT GROSS!!! Then we went home to Virginia and ate some more, and gave lots of kisses to family and friends. After that, we went back to Nashville and C dove back into law school, and I dove back into my day job, and we also started planning our WEDDING!!! I had no idea that so many things went into planning a wedding! What are plate chargers? What are dragées? What is a table runner? What is life?!?! Needless to say, I had lots of choices and lots to learn, and my goodness it was fun every step of the way. Then C graduated from law school, and we moved to Virginia and set up house, and then WE GOT MARRIED, and my family visited, then my childhood best friend came to visit and… I was sort of floating in a pink love bubble for awhile and honestly I still am… I now know why Glinda the Good Witch prefers this mode of transportation. So, dear readers, this explains my absence. Now, on with my review!

Once upon an evening in Paris… Virginia… the concept of Miraval rosé was introduced to me by the sommelier at the Ashby Inn and Restaurant, far away from the rolling hills of Provence where the wine is cultivated. The gentleman said it was, surprisingly, one of the best rosés he had ever tried and encouraged our table to get a bottle to share. We were put off, unfortunately, by our snobbishness the moment we heard it was owned by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. This was a mistake on our part, but not one unfounded by the quality of other wineries owned by the Hollywood A, B, and C listers alike. It’s very similar to the perfume connoisseurs (of which I am one and probably should blog about that at some point) who roll their eyes when another teenybopper releases some horrible fruit punch/strip club concoction. But this rosé is the exception to the rule. Even the word rosé which is French for the color pink, evokes images of a bachelorette party dominated by women guzzling all manner of pink alcohol, because it’s girly goddamnit! But this rosé is refined, poised, like a soirée dominated only by ladies who discuss Proust in between dainty sips. The nose is muddled strawberry with a hint of peony, and a sort of sweet, fruity freshness that reminds me of lychee (they should make this stuff a perfume). But on the palate it is slightly dry, not sweet at all, has a great acidity, and a citrus-y grapefruit note that is a delight. It is surprising, and I love that quality about it. This is the Audrey Hepburn of rosés. It is playful elegance in a bottle that is worth exploring.

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