
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in food, travel, and art. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Southern Fruit Salad with an Asian Twist (Healthy Recipe)

Southern Fruit Salad with an Asian Twist (Healthy Recipe)

I love fruit. What’s not to like? Fruit is delicious, healthy, and even beautiful to behold. My only problem is if I deem the fruit too much of a trouble to prepare, I’ll choose something else to munch on. For example, you can’t just bite into a strawberry. You have to wash them, and cut the stem off each one before you consume it. I know it’s just unadulterated laziness, but when I’m peckish I don’t want to be bothered with things like that. Lately, I’ve taken to tricking myself and making a fruit salad the moment I get home from the grocery store, that way there’s no excuse for C and I to not munch on a healthy snack, or even have it for dessert.

When I made my fruit salad today, I thought of the simple fruit salads served in the south, and added a little Asian twist of ginger. My Filipino grandmother loves putting ginger in most everything, and claims it helps to keep colds at bay.


1 Granny Smith apple

Package of blueberries

Package of strawberries

Cubed pineapple

1 Clementine

Juice of 2 limes

1 teaspoon of finely sliced ginger




I began by washing the strawberries thoroughly, and cutting off their leafy tufts. I then cut up the apple into 1-inch cubes. I tossed the strawberries and apple into a bowl, and tumbled in the blueberries and cubed pineapple. I also peeled and separated a clementine and added that too. For flavor, and also to keep the fruit from turning brown, I cut and squeezed the juice of 2 limes into the fruit salad. As a finishing touch, I finely sliced up a bit of ginger and added it to the bowl. Knowing the lime juice probably made everything a bit tart, I shimmied some Truvia atop the fruity peaks. I tossed everything triumphantly, and couldn’t resist having some for a snack right then and there.

Egg Salad (Nostalgic Recipe)

Egg Salad (Nostalgic Recipe)

Vanilla Tea (Comfort in a Cup)

Vanilla Tea (Comfort in a Cup)