
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in food, travel, and art. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Easy Anytime Salad (Healthy Recipe)

Easy Anytime Salad (Healthy Recipe)

You know those girls that whine/speak (I’m talking vocal fry* + upspeak**) very loudly in restaurants, “Iiii think I’ll juuust haave a salaaad. I like, luuv salaaad!” Yeah, I’m annoyed by those people too. To those who truly like a hearty mound of foliage, it’s obvious their pseudo-adoration of leafy greens is disingenuous. Minus the annoying trend of grown women speaking like valley girls who have laryngitis, I love salad; I really do, but sometimes I can get pretty bored by plain romaine lettuce. To combat this leafy boredom, I keep a few salad fixin’s around to keep the love alive. The beauty of this super-basic salad is that you can easily turn it into a filling meal by adding grilled chicken, tuna, or shrimp atop its peaks.


Mixed spring greens



Cherry Tomatoes

Matchstick carrots

Green onion


Bleu cheese



Aged balsamic

Olive oil





I begin by grabbing a few handfuls of mixed spring greens, arugula, and matchstick carrots and tossing them into a bowl. I then tumble in a few cherry tomatoes, turn dramatically to my green onions, and chop them up into little half inch rings. I also cut, pit, and cube an avocado. I actually find chopping up food to be quite satisfying, and a great stress reliever. I feel the same way when I tear up fluffy sprigs of dill, and crumble bleu cheese defiantly into my bowl. I can then serenely, move on to my dressing, which is easy as pie salad to make, and involves only a few glugs of balsamic vinegar and olive oil in a small bowl, and a fairy sprinkle of salt and pepper. Add the dressing, victoriously toss, and eat with an air of satisfied smugness, because you’re being healthy—and you love it.

P.S. In case you were wondering about the meaning of vocal fry and upspeak, click here:

*Vocal Fry- http://www.today.com/video/today/45681253#45681253

**Upspeak-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdhJxAmUu3Y

Eggocados (Brunch Recipe)

Eggocados (Brunch Recipe)

Venison Bourguignon (Southern/French Recipe)

Venison Bourguignon (Southern/French Recipe)